Thursday, September 10, 2009


synesthesisa is an interesting condition i think we all have a small amount of, tho not to a point at which one could be declared mentally cockeyed. we recieve all of everything that we know to be our own reality through one of 5 physical senses, and it would make sense that sometimes they can crossover and connect differently. In a way, something as simple as smelling cookies can make us feel physical sense of coziness that can actually translate to the muscles in our bodies. So in a way, we can relate to those with this condition on various levels, especially in the films we watched in class. in a way, completely different elements of different things all can relate. take the color red for example. we can relate that one color to numerous other ideas such as warm, spicy, love, pain, anger, intensity. All of these abstract ideas stem from one single color because of millions of subtle connections among them. it would be ridiculous to say that at anytime we are only utilizing one single sense alone form the others (unless of course the case of deafness, blindness or other disabilities), and in this way we can look at the color pink and almost catch the faint hint of roses borne on the breeze, simply by the powerful association we cant control.

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